How 3 brands leveraged FlipGive’s giveback model to drive triple digit growth during the return to in-person learning and organized team sports.

Driving Sales and Loyalty by Giving Back: Together, these 3 brands helped thousands of families keep their kids playing the games they love.


Q3 2022 marked the return of students to in-person learning and back onto the fields, courts, rinks, gymnasiums and studios across North America. Known as the second busiest shopping season of the year, back-to-school + back-to-sports ‘22 came with an extra layer of complexity for brands to work within; how to capitalize on unprecedented pent-up demand in a highly competitive market while hitting ROAS goals?


Access: With a direct channel to the head of the household wallet, these 3 brands turned to FlipGive to help meaningfully connect with their core audience: moms shopping for their kid’s school and sports needs. A uniquely captive audience, FlipGive shoppers motivate each other to spend more with brands that give back to help support their kids and communities. 

Competitive Advantage: Without the need to dangle margin eroding discounts or coupons to stand out from the competition, these brands capitalized on community givebacks to move the performance needle. Alongside the conventional growth KPIs, givebacks delivered priceless brand goodwill bysupporting what matters most to this highly coveted customer: their kids. 


After learning more about each brand’s objectives and back-to-school / back-to-fall-sports promotions, FlipGive tailored quarterly placement plans for the shopping season.

Popular General Retailer

This popular general retailer’s package featured the brand in key back to school placements alongside dedicated emails. Paired with a flat fee and CPA Increase, they saw a lift in key categories and demographics ahead of the holiday season.

Leading Electronics Brand

With the aim of share shifting, this brand had a goal of capturing users to shop with them directly vs others. Smart placements among high trafficked technology guides had them come on top and net out a positive ROI on their Flat Fee investment.

Active Lifestyle Retailer

With the goal of increasing awareness to a national audience, this regional active lifestyle retailer doubled their CPA during Q3 to take advantage of back-to-school and back-to-fall-sports shopping events.

Driving Sales and Loyalty by Giving Back

Together, these 3 brands helped thousands of families keep their kids playing the games they love.

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To learn more about the opportunity to unlock sales and shopper loyalty through community givebacks, contact FlipGive today!

About FlipGive

FlipGive is the shopping rewards app for families that unlocks sales and shopper loyalty through community givebacks. We partner with some of the world’s leading brands, using personalized rewards to connect with shoppers and inspire deep-rooted brand loyalty at meaningful moments in the shopper journey. With hundreds of millions of dollars in incremental sales, over $40MM in community givebacks, and countless goodwill stories generated to date, we’ve become an impactful and efficient marketing tool to unlock the full power of shoppers’ wallets and their stories.

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